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Viva Las Vegas: Unicity’s biggest Method training yet

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

Unicity CEO Stewart Hughes’ Method training hit a new milestone recently, with over 100 attendees at the latest seminar, making it our most popular Method training yet.

The event was held at our brand new facility in Las Vegas Oct. 21–22, and Distributors came ready to work. The two-day event was packed with learning opportunities, from intensive workshops to sessions guided by Stewart.

The Method is a methodology created by Stewart, pulled from years of life experience and research to help individuals not just reach their potential, but exceed it. Distributors who come to these trainings leave not only inspired to grow their business and succeed in other areas in life, but equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to make what might have seemed impossible beforehand an actual reality.

Many of the participants see dramatic growth in their Unicity businesses just one week after attending the event.

Seats are already filling up for the next training, which will be held in the Dominican Republic in February 2023. If you are interested in attending, contact us at for more details.

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